UK Web design company

Located in London


Web Design

Web design is usually the first stage of a project, the first goal to achieve at this stage is to create a design with visual appeal. If your site doesn't look good, the chances are it is not reaching its sales potential. At Techlands, once we have created a design our job is only half done. A web site that is truly successful needs to meet all the following:

Web Development

Web development is broken down into two areas: front-end development and back-end development. Front-end developers are a mix of a designer and a back-end developer. They are responsible for turning designs into a web site, user interface and JavaScript widgets. Back-end developers generally have no artistic ability and have not seen the light of day since they first turned on a computer. They spend their spare time watching Star Trek and coding Nintendo DS emulators. Back-end developers are responsible for programming into existence all the functions of your web site that it's users will experience but never see - XML parsers, elaborate product databases, eCommerce integrations etc.

Front-end Development

The first stage of front-end development is to turn a design or set of designs into HTML and CSS. The majority of web developers will simply use a WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver to put your site into HTML. This is little more difficult than using Microsoft Word and results in an unprofessional end product. Web sites that have been constructed in a WYSIWYG editor will suffer from all of the following:

At Techlands every single page is hand-coded using scaleable, semantic, keyword-rich HTML. This means:

Back-end Development

Once a project has been through front-end development it is handed over to a back-end developer. This is the stage where all the 'behind the scenes' work goes on - the front-end of the site is connected to programming functions and databases that will make the web site actually work.

We have knowledge of and can support development using the following:

Markup Languages

Stylesheet Languages

Programming Languages

Query Languages

